Tuesday, September 25, 2007

I am done putting meat in my mouth

So i have finally come to a point in my life where i no longer need to put meat in my mouth. I know that this will come as a shock to most of you, because i mean if someone is going to put meat in their mouth, Chris was always the answer. I took meat almost three times a day, if not more. Before i get to far, those of you with gross minds, the meat i am talking about is animal meat. I have mentioned before that I have been having health issues and been trying for about a year to find answers.

I have finally (I hope) come to know that it is meat. My body makes too much protien thanks to my wonderful boughts with kidney failures and nephritis, and so when i would eat high protien foods my body would get sick, hence my troubles with weight loss, headaches, vomit, the runs and sorts. I have been meat free for almost two weeks and I have yet to have any of the above symptoms. Huzzahh! So i am officially making my Veggitarian Coming Out statement. I hope that you will all see this as just a part of who I am, and not all of who I am. I dont want to be labeled and judged for being different. Its just who I am, i cant change it. (hehe)

Also as a post script, JD has approved adding a cat to our family! YES! So in the next few months it is going to happen. I love him

1 comment:

Breanne said...

That is great! I am glad that you are figuring out what is going on :) I'm sure that you are alot happier, now that you are feeling better :) Love you!