Sunday, September 2, 2007

The Bionic Chris

so.. I have been having alot of health issues lately. I cant remember the last time i was not nauseated, tired, having a headache and having stomach issues. I have been going to the doctor and getting loads of tests done, which is soo good for me and my insurance. They thought i was postive for Celiac, its a allergy to Gluten and causes the healthy villi in my small intestine to die and not capture nutrients, and I went on a Gluten free diet and started to feel better, but then i started to feel the same symptoms again. THe bigger tests that i took all came back normal and so I am back to square one. All i know for sure is that I have a high protien count, so cut down on my meat and cheese intake. Though i can eat cheese now! I have to cute back on sugar and lose at least 20 lbs.. which would be easy if i had someone to work out and motivate with. Also my testosterone levels are low for my age. My doctor actually told me to have more sex. That might be something i wont have a problem with. JD is doing good of course, why is it always me with the drama??

I will of course keep you all posted, and anyone need a workout partner??

1 comment:

lramey said...

chris, i would love to work out with/for you! I don't know when and where, but I'm here if you want! love you. wish we could figure out what's wrong!